
sync-config configuration

project_name : <String>

This config for project identity

Example :

project_name: Sample Project

username : <String>

The username for ssh connect to the server

Example :

username: root

privateKey : <String>

Place your private key as an absolute path.

Example :

privateKey: C:\Users\test\.ssh\id_rsa

host : <String>

Fill your host target

Example :


port : <String>

Fill the ssh port host target

Example :

port: 22

localPath : <String>

Place your local project directory

Example :

localPath : D:\workspace\sample_project

remotePath : <String>

Place your remote project directory

Example :

remotePath : /root/workspaces/sample_project

ignores : <ArrayString>

Select which file or folder you need to ignore to sync.

Example :

ignores : 
 # if you want ignore folder add “/” for last character
 - dist/
 - .git/
 - node_modules/
 # if you want ignore only file

Note : You can define it on .sync_ignore file too

downloads : <ArrayString>

Select which file or folder you need exclusively can be downloaded. This feature is used for two way sync for specific file or folder.

Example :

downloads : 
 # if you want download folder add "/" for last character
 - storage/logs/
 - dist/
 # if you want download only file

single_sync : <ArrayString>

Select which file or folder you need exclusively can be downloaded and uploaded manually. This feature is used for simple rsync for specific files or folders.

Example :

  - node_modules
  - dist

trigger_permission : <ArrayObject>

This feature is used for managing CUD (Create, Update, Delete) action sync to the server which is allowed or not.

Example :

  # it mean your delete folder action is not effect on the server
  unlink_folder: false
  # it mean your delete file action is not effect on the server
  unlink: false
  change: true
  add: true

direct_access : <ArrayObject>

This external command that you can use for everyday use when you work. This includes the ssh_config format too that you can use to create ssh connections with proxy.

Example :

  config_file: ""
  # This config will save to ssh_config file on your ssh folder
    - Host: sample_project_connection
      HostName: =host
      User: =username
      Port: =port
      RequestTty: force
      IdentityFile: =privateKey
      StrictHostKeyChecking: no
      RemoteCommand: cd =remotePath && bash -l
      ServerAliveInterval: 300
      ServerAliveCountMax: 2
    # This command for use create folder project on server first
    - access_name: Create folder on server
      command: ssh -v -o RemoteCommand=none sample_project_connection -t mkdir =remotePath
    # This command for enter to the server and go to project folder
    - access_name: Enter to Server
      command: ssh -v -o RemoteCommand=none sample_project_connection

size_limit : <Number>

You can limit size sync file upload to the server if more than size_limit is blocked.

Example :

size_limit : 20 # this use Mb unit size

reset_cache: <Boolean>

Every run ngi-sync devsync the file will store in cache if it gets changed. For comparing the cache file with the new file change similar or not. If similar, the file avoids uploading. You can set false if will not reset cache every run ngi-sync devsync, default is true.

Example :

reset_cache: true

Last updated